
Genie Bottles from Egypt

Posted by Steve Collins on

Perfume bottles have been around in Egypt for centuries. The Egyptians began creating vessels for their perfumes to keep them from evaporating. Their bottles have a distinctive look and feel. Our beautiful genie bottles are hand blown glass from Egypt. These bottles are beautiful in shape and color. The stoppers are matched to the size of the bottle. No two are the same as each has different etchings in the 24K gold plated accent ribbon around the middle. The colors may be lighter or darker than the example photo. We have been importing these delicate bottles for many years. Visit...

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Cats, Cats and More Cats - Why is the Bastet Cat so Popular?

Posted by Steve Collins on

The cat was sacred in ancient Egypt. Admired for its virility, strength and agility, it was also the symbol of Bastet, the benevolent cat goddess who represented motherhood and joy.  The goddess Bastet is seen as a symbol of protection from both evil spirits and disease - particularly diseases associated with women and children. She also has an important role in the afterlife, according to Egyptian beliefs, and is the one who guides and helps the dead. Since the earliest recorded centuries, the Bastet cat was viewed as a bestower of fertility and protection against dark forces. Even now, the...

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New Noteworthy Discoveries in Egypt

Posted by Steve Collins on

There are many archaeological digs, excavations and restoration projects always underway in Egypt. They are all painstakingly slow and in difficult conditions, so it is particularly exciting when the work results in a discovery that is noteworthy.

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Say I Love You with a Custom One of a Kind Cartouche Necklace

Posted by Steve Collins on

One of our most popular products is the "I Love You" cartouche pendant. The hieroglyphs on this cartouche are phonetic (representing sounds) so when translated, the symbols pronounce ILUVYU. The shape of the cartouche signifies 'encircling protection for eternity'.     

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History of Discoveries Egyptian Imports - More About Us

Posted by Steve Collins on

Our owner Steve Collins, traveled to Cairo in 1979 to tour the Middle East with his college friend David. In the 3 month trip, they bought hand-crafts and jewelry along the way with the hopes of bringing their treasures back home to sell them and help pay for their trip.  Now, more than 40 years later, Steve is still at it!  He lives in the US, but he spends a good part of his year traveling to Egypt to find new treasures. Over the years, he has made relationships with artisans in Egypt that are as close as family.  Steve...

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