
Egyptian Deity: The Scarab Beetle - Sun God Khepri

Posted by Steve Collins on

The scarab beetle is an iconic Egyptian deity with fascinating origins. The scarab was thought to have been born from a pile of dung making it a symbol of self-creation. Egyptians would watch the scarab push the dung and noticed it resembled the sun moving across the sky. Ancient Egyptians believed the scarab beetle was a manifestation of the Sun God Khepri. Because the sun would reappear the following day the scarab was known to symbolize rebirth. Scarabs were worn by the living as a powerful amulet for protection. They were also buried with the dead to help them on their...

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VENDOR SPOTLIGHT: The Tentmaker District

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We now offer many pieces from the Khayamiya (tentmakers) district of old Cairo in our Etsy store. For over 1,000 years, the tentmakers of Cairo hand-stitched huge panels (some as large as 10 x 20 feet) that were attached to the interior of tents. These were primarily used for funeral gatherings, with very bright green, orange and red colors.   The designs are created by the 'appliqué' process which is stitching layers on top of canvas backing. In recent years, the tentmakers began making smaller pieces to be used as bedspreads, wall hangings, and pillowcases, using much softer color tones. The...

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Egyptian Diety: Anubis' Part in the Afterlife

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Anubis was the Egyptian deity who oversaw the embalming process and followed the dead into the underworld. He was known as the god of mummification, the afterlife and, the god of lost souls. The form he took was a black, pointed-eared canine hybrid or a man with the head of a jackal.   According to myth, Anubis was involved with the funeral rites. After the funeral, the deceased was introduced to the Egyptian god, Osiris, for judgment. Anubis would place their hearts on one side of a scale where they were measured against the feather of truth.   After the...

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    Contrary to the what you might think, camels are not thought to have been in Egypt during ancient times (around 3000 BC). Camels are said to have been brought by foreign travelers and conquerors who traveled across the desert in the Ptolemaic Period (around 350 BC). Today, you can find camels in Egypt used for tourist adventures. Egyptians hold camel riding tours around the Pyramids of Giza. In an effort to provide more items that give you a taste of Egypt and a feeling of walking through Egypt itself, we have added a small camel statue to our product line. Mini...

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Posted by Steve Collins on

  On my most recent trip to Luxor, I went to visit my favorite spot in Medinat Habu (Habu Temple). I was surprised to see scaffolding on a large section of the columns, with a team of young students working diligently on it.  I must admit, I liked the idea of removing dust, dirt, bird poop, etc. However, when I realized that the colorful sections were changing color, I was a bit concerned.   As a purist, I much prefer the 'weathered by thousands of years' look, but I am hopeful that this deepening of the colors will lighten over...

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