Egyptian Travel: The Temple of Hatshepsut

Publié par Jessica Shaw le

The Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahri, near Luxor, is one of the most extraordinary temples in all of Egypt. The entire structure was designed to blend in with the surrounding mountainous landscape. Hatshepsut was the female king of Egypt who adopted the full titles and regalia of a pharaoh.


But scenes on the walls of the Deir El-Bahri temple had deep red details. We were surprised to see the tree of life and palm trees because they were not common in the other temples we visited. 

Palm Tree carvings on the inside of the temple walls

Hatshepsut's temple consists of three levels with steep stairs between the levels.  There are many temples to explore near Luxor, Egypt and visiting the temple of one of Egyptian's female pharaohs shouldn't be missed.  


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