How to Clean Tarnished Jewelry

Publié par Steve Collins le

Sterling Silver is a beautiful, practical metal used for jewelry. However, over time, air exposure, and contact with body oils, Sterling Silver will tarnish. The metal starts to turn black around the edges and appears dull. Some people think it is ruined and must be remade or recycled. Fortunately that is NOT the case. 

We offer all our cartouches in Sterling Silver and also a combination of Sterling Silver and Gold. We have some tips for keeping your necklace looking new and also how to clean it if you notice dullness or tarnish.


Care Tips for your Cartouche

  • Do not wear it in a swimming pool, in a spa or at the beach
  • Remove it when sleeping, exercising or performing other physically strenuous activities
  • Avoid contact with perfumes, body oils, & other chemicals including household cleaners
  • Regularly polish with a cloth that is made specifically for Sterling Silver
  • Store your cartouche in a cool & dry place
Tarnished Sterling Silver Personalized Pendant

Cleaning an already Tarnished Cartouche/Pendant:

First, we recommend using a cleaning solution.  After dipping pendant in solution, rinse off and dry. Then for final polishing, use a silver polishing cloth

Both the solution and cloth can be used for all your sterling silver jewelry, chains and rings. You will be amazed at the transformation!

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  • I bought an 18k chain and a solid 18k with 4 hieroglyphs. You can have them put your name, but I chose my own hieroglyphs, on the cartouche/pendant. I absolutely love it!!! I never remove it. Having said that, I lost it. I never remove it but it must have caught on something. I looked everywhere. I’m heartbroken so I will order another one. also, their customer service is above average.

    Marylee Humphrey le
  • This is such a small and amazing article, it explains everything to the point, I will surely use these tips and also pas it to my friends as well.

    Priya Sharma le

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